Alegría Village is committed to supporting holistic, creative education for the children in our community.

Many children in Alegría attend the Real World School right down the street from our location. The Real World School’s educational ethos is rooted in connected learning to the real world, international awareness, sustainability, aiming to cultivate lifelong learners with the confidence to navigate the social and technological landscapes of tomorrow.

We recommend that interested residents with children schedule a tour of Real World School during your visit. There are also many international and Montessori schools in San Jose, preschool through High School. 

If you are a prospective Alegría resident with a passion for education and designing innovative curriculum - please send us a message! We are expanding the schooling options for our community and would love to collaborate with our neighbors!

Other schools and tertiary education systems in the area:

Caspari Montessori School (

Caspari is a 10 year old Montessori school founded on the principles of an education for life, whose mission is equipping your child with skills for the world, while promoting independence, self-control and respect. It is located in Heredia Province just outside of San José, a 1-hour drive from Alegría.

Golden Valley School (

Also located in Heredia, Golden Valley School is an international, trilingual educational institution.

University for Peace (

Established in 1980 by the UN General Assembly, this center strives to be a forward-thinking, transformational and inspirational educational institution dedicated to the goals of quality teaching, research and service for serving humanity in building a peaceful world.

Courses include:

  • Environment, Development, and Peace

  • Gender and Peacebuilding

  • International Law

  • International Peace Studies

  • Media, Peace, and Conflict Studies

  • Peace Education

  • Responsible Management and Sustainable Economic Development

University of Costa Rica (

For more formal, government-subsidized education which covers the common majors such as law, economics, engineering, medicine and politics. There are several campuses around the country, the closest is located in San Jose, a 1 hour drive from Alegría.