If you are already a resident of Costa Rica, then you know of the exquisite beauty and natural wonders of this country. From perfect waves and turquoise blue waters, to lush tropical rainforests, to the misty cool mountains, cloud forests, and majestic volcanoes...Costa Rica is a vibrant and fertile land for all life. 

Costa Rica is small in size but wildly abundant, home to 6% of the world’s biodiversity. A huge array of plant and animal species thrive in Costa Rica because of its many distinct microclimates and protected habitats - almost 26% of the country is designated and respected as conservation area. 

This reverence for the environment is felt throughout the culture - especially among younger generations who are proud of Costa Rica’s natural wealth and take action to preserve it. 

The regenerative environmental movement is powerful in this country. 

There is an extensive, connected network of ecovillages, permaculture farms, and ecological education centers, making Costa Rica one of the top eco-tourism destinations in the world. There is also an active community of Costa Rican nonprofits organizing weekly trash cleanups all over the country and spreading awareness about climate change and actions we can take to reverse it. 

The government in Costa Rica prioritizes environmental policy - recently pledging to become the first country to ban single-use plastics and eliminate them entirely by 2021. Costa Rica also aims to become the first carbon-neutral country by 2021, by incentivizing biofuels, hybrid vehicles, and clean energy, investing in conservation and reforestation, and implementing a “C-Neutral” certification for tourism and businesses that charges a voluntary tax to offset emissions. The country has already reversed its deforestation, doubling forest cover from 26% to 52% over 30 years, and leads the world in renewable energy usage, generating 98% of its power from renewable resources (mostly hydroelectric and geothermal). Strict construction laws promote sustainable development, prohibiting building within 50m of natural water sources and 100m of freshwater springs. The Earth is respected here, not just in theory but in practice.

This is why we are proud to call Costa Rica home. Alegría Village is a diverse community of change-makers and environmental activists from all over the world - and Costa Rica is the perfect location for us to gather, cohabitate, and co-create the future we all know is possible.

If you are new to Costa Rica and considering a life here with us, here are a few other things to know:

  • Known as the most stable and oldest democracy in Central America

  • Abolished its national army in 1948 and instead channels this budget into security, public education, healthcare, and culture

  • Highest safety rating in Latin America

  • World-class affordable healthcare system, ranked top 20 worldwide by UN

  • Great infrastructure & easy-access airports

  • No restrictions on foreign ownership

  • Named world’s #1 happiest country by the Happy Planet Index and consistently ranked in the top 15 happiest countries by the World Happiness Report

  • Named #1 place to retire globally by International Living in 2018

  • Foreign investment up ~5% p/a from 2011 & projected to rise at 6.2% p/a until 2027 - WTTC

¡Pura Vida!

Pure Life. You’ll hear this expression everywhere in Costa Rica. It is our greeting, our mantra, our way of life. It embodies the relaxed, balanced, effortlessly happy lifestyle in this country. Considered one of the friendliest places in the world, Costa Rica is welcoming, accepting, and profoundly healing for the mind, body and spirit. There is a deep sense of belonging here. We are a diverse country influenced by cultures and people from around the world - and we are connected and united by our gratitude for the natural world and our humble place within this fragile ecosystem. 

Pura Vida - welcome home.