Alegría Village will be a community of over 145 neighbors, and will be governed formally by a Homeowner Association. The HOA agreement will be written by the founding partners and managed until 51% of the lots are sold, at which point community governance will be passed to the HOA board, which will be made up of elected community members. 

We are happy to share a draft of the HOA bylaws with serious prospective neighbors.

Here are a few FAQs about our community governance:

The HOA bylaws outline guidelines for maintaining a happy, fair, peaceful community. Here is a high-level summary of what it covers:

  • Maintenance of common areas

  • Calculating monthly fees

  • Use of common areas

  • Lease of personal property

  • Pet policy

  • Road rules, speed limit of 20 mph

  • Waste management

  • Processes for violations

  • Dispute resolution

  • Governance & administration

  • Architectural Committee

  • Sustainability Committee

  • Sale or division of lots

What are the basic regulations outlined by the HOA?

The Condominium Owners’ Meeting is the highest level of authority of Alegría on decisions on matters of common interest brought to its attention and includes all Alegría lot owners. The Board of Directors constitutes the second level of authority for the Community and is elected by The Condominium Owners’ Meeting. The Board of Directors shall appoint an Administrator responsible as the third level of authority for the Community.

The powers of the Condominium Owners’ Meeting are:

  • Appoint, remove, or reappoint the members of the Board of Directors and to give any and all additional powers conferred by the present rules.

  • Review the report of the Board of Directors for the past year, and approve or deny this report.

  • Approve or disapprove, as appropriate, the budget of common expenses submitted by the Administrator for the coming year and the responsibility of each individual lot owner in regards to those expenses.

  • Authorize repairs or improvements that may be required or requested.

In short, decisions are made by vote during the annual Condominium Owners’ Meeting. Depending on the type of decision being made, it will require a unanimous vote, 2/3 vote, or majority vote to pass. 

Who makes up the governing body and how are decisions made?

We anticipate HOA fees will range from $50-550 depending on lot size (based on sq. meters). The monthly fee includes infrastructure for electric and fibre-optic internet, water service, trash/recycling/compost collection, weekly basket of fresh produce from the farm, maintenance of all common spaces (yoga, common building, pool, multi-purpose/coworking space, farm), maintenance of roads, hiking & biking trails, maintenance of food forest and communal orchard, and security. Also, there are opportunities at Alegría, such as commercial farm produce, event sites, educational retreats, etc. that can generate income and reduce monthly dues.

How much are HOA dues and what does it cover?

The HOA bylaws can be amended at an annual Condominium Owners’ Meeting or an Extraordinary Condominium Owners’ Meeting with a unanimous vote by all Condominium Owners.

What is the process for amending the HOA once the community is fully built?

The Condominium Owners will appoint an Administrator to manage the HOA meetings, process, budget and maintenance. The Administrator may be a natural person or legal entity, owner or not, who will take over the common areas and have unlimited general power of attorney in accordance with the powers set Article 1253 Civil Code, to be the legal representative of the Condominium Owners’ Meeting. The appointment of Administrator is for a period not to exceed three years defined by the board. The Administrator may be extended beyond 3 years as approved by the board. The Administrator is responsible for the administration of Alegría, the guidelines included in this agreement, and may be removed from office by the same vote as to the agreement of their appointment.

Who manages the HOA?