Welcome to the Alegría Farm! 

At the center of Alegría Village is our regenerative farm and orchard, where we grow organic produce, fruit, and herbs for our community. Earth Care is one of our core values that unites us as a neighborhood, and we are deeply grateful to enjoy healthy, non-toxic food from the land where we live! 

In our mandala garden and extensive food forest, we are using principles of Regenerative Organic Agriculture to revive the capacity of the land, previously clear-cut and degraded for cattle ranching. Regenerative Agriculture strives to produce nutritious, organic food, while raising the abundance and biodiversity of life, resonating with the natural local ecology and stages of ecological succession. It emphasizes managing water, building soil, retaining carbon dioxide and blending with natural systems as “climax food forests”. It nurtures direct relationships with everyone who enjoys its bounty.

Since establishing our farm in August 2018, we have planted 8000 sq m. of land (~2 acres) and 600 fruit trees in a community orchard that weaves throughout the property.

Read more about the values and practices we honor at the Alegría Farm.