Alegría Village will include smooth-surface internal roads to the driveway of each lot, as well as water, electric and fiber optic internet connections to every lot. All wires and pipes will be underground. Septic will not be included, and we recommend individual septic systems. 


There is an abundance of water in this region and a well-charged water table. Our water will come from two wells on the property. Alegría also has three springs on the property, with two more just above the land, creating three creeks that run through the neighborhood (one of which runs all-year-long!).

Our well produces a conservative 2.4 liters of water per second, equaling 207,360L a day (which can support 691 homes - the average house uses about 300L per day of water). Our engineers believe it has a higher capacity, but we will be performing more tests throughout the year to measure its draw-down and time to refill. We are confident that at 2.4 l/s the supply is sufficient for the entire community, but to ensure we are triple-covered we are proceeding with the second well, and a concession to draw from the creeks.

The upper creek tested at 4.2 l/s and our lower spring tested at .2 l/s in September 2019 (in August 2018 it tested at .09 l/s).

We feel very grateful for the incredible supply of clean drinking water that our land gives us! If you have any specific questions or concerns about water, we would be happy to share and discuss our reports with you.


As of now, Alegría Village will be on-grid, getting our power from Costa Rica’s electrical supply. We are proud to live in a country that has prioritized renewable energy, with 98.5% of electricity generated from renewable sources.

Costa Rica’s energy comes from the five clean energy sources:

  • Hydroelectric (74%)

  • Geothermal (11.92)

  • Wind (11.08%)

  • Biomass (0.73%)

  • Solar (0.03%). 

  • Bunker and diesel represented only 1.47%.

If residents would prefer to remain off-grid and install solar panels on their property, we will offer a discount on monthly HOA fees.

Trash / Recycling / Compost

We will have central waste disposal / recycling / community compost that will be removed from the community regularly. There will be receptacles for collection throughout the community. 

Waste Treatment

Home owners will be responsible for installing their own individual waste treatment system. We have prepared a report of recommended options here in English and Spanish.


High-speed fiber optic internet will be installed in the community and available for connection. 

What if I want to install my own solar panels or water-catchment to reduce my use of community supply?

That would be wonderful! We will provide incentivizes to residents who choose to install solar and water-catchment.